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University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education

Set as a mandatory program requirement in 2013, this course explores historical and contemporary legislation, educational policy, pedagogy and practices related to Indigenous peoples, with a focus on First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) peoples in Canada. Students learn about the past in order to better understand the current educational landscape as well as the social relations that have contributed to educational inequality for FNMI communities and students. 


The intent of this course is to prepare students to develop relationships/partnerships, lessons, programs, pedagogies, practices, and policies that support Indigenous perspectives as future educators. The course encompasses current and emerging policies, initiatives and resources - many based on Indigenous ways of knowing and being - case studies of success, and innovative research-based practices that challenge the status quo. Throughout the course, current research and literature from various Indigenous educational perspectives and fields will aid students in examining their own perspectives. This course meets the requirements around Indigenous education as mandated by Alberta Education (including the Teacher Quality Standards), the Association of Canadian Deans of Education’s Accord on Indigenous Education (2010), as well as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action specific to education.


Louie, D., & Poitras Pratt, Y. (in review). Witnessing as an Indigenizing practice.


Lacerda-Vandenborn, E., Markides, J., Fowler, T., Hanson, A., MacDonald, J., Poitras Pratt, Y. & Danyluk, P.J. (2022). Learning behind the screen: Adapting a mandatory Indigenous education course to an online environment. In Woodley, X.M., & Rice, M.F. (Eds.), Designing Intersectional Online Education: Critical Teaching and Learning Practices (1st ed.). Routledge.


Pratt, Y. & Hanson, A. J.  (2020). Indigenous instructors’ perspectives on pre-service teacher education: Poetic responses to difficult learning and teaching. Race, Ethnicity and Education, DOI: 10.1080/13613324.2020.1718085

Louie, D., Poitras Pratt, Y., Hanson A., & Ottomann, J. (2017). Applying Indigenizing principles of decolonizing methodologies in university classrooms. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 47(3), 16-33. Available online at:

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